
Showing posts from January 8, 2005

Building Our Future

Newer poem for my wonderful husband David :) We build these dreams, We build them to last, We believe in tomorrow, We remember our past, We give hope to our future, We hold on tight, And we hold on fast. We remember who we are alone, We strengthen what we are together, We help each other believe in Our dreams together, Our hopes together, Our love that we share, And the future we build strong and firm. We soften each others burdens, We build up lasting love in our hearts, We soften the differences, We build up what makes us whole, We remember we have imperfections Yet remember to love all the same, We are building our future On this solid ground, And even when there are hard times We know that our love can keep us together, Keep us strong, And get us through all our trials and tribulations. We will build these dreams, We will build them to last, We will believe in our tomorrows, And we won’t forget our past, We will give hope to our future For the rest...