Night and day, Sadness and happiness, Joy and pain, Laughter and sorrow, Rain and sunshine, Love and hate, War and peace, Opposites around us, Opposites where ever we turn, We go one way, We get pulled another, Walk this way, Walk that way, Told one thing, But want another, We get told to act one way, But want to do another, These opposites are around us, These opposites are part of us, We have to deal with the changes, The changes in our life always, We have to walk, Walk in the middle sometimes, Sometimes we take a stand, Take a stand on one thing or another, Life is never easy, We all go through our struggles, We all go through our strife’s, We all have to make decisions, To go with this, Or to go with that, We have to decide, Will we stand on morals? Or will we follow things around us? Will we try with our might To keep on? To keep being strong? Do we even have something to believe in? Opposites, Male and female, Son and daughter, Mother and...