You Can Make Me Smile
You can still make me smile, Even after not seeing you for so long, Even after not talking to you for many years, Those years have seen changes in the both of us, We both traveled life’s road, And we both been heartache and hardship, We both have dealt with things without the other, And with a simple apology, And a simple conversation, We were friends again, Recalling the good times of our life, Remembering the joy that we had once, Remembering that there was beauty not just hardship, Makes me smile, Being able to put the past behind us, And to let go of those hurts of yesterday, And just the natural way we can talk, You can still make me smile, You can still make me have a good time, Sometimes the simple things are the things we forget, When there has been hurt and hardship, When there has been tears and pain, We forget about all the good things that we have, Because the pain cuts us so deep, That we shared from those times long ago...