Just Beneath The Surface
Just beneath the surface, Just underneath it all, Behind those eyes, Behind that smile, Behind those curves, That seems to go for a mile, Behind everything lies a woman, A woman who has gone through many things, That looks to be strong but sometimes weak, That looks to be good but going through pain, That looks to be anything but what she can be at times, She was taught to hide it all, All beneath the surface, All beneath every fiber of her bones, All beneath everything that is her, But, she keeps going every day, Because there is so much out there, And she does have faith, And she does believe she can have true strength, And that she doesn’t always have to hide it, And that it is okay to wake up the hurt inside, And to face it head on without stuffing it inside, Ever since she has found him, The one that has brought so much warmth in her life, Ever since they have become one, She has finally found peace and faith, To release it ...