Relationships are one of the hardest things we as people really go through. So many of us go through so much heartache and so many bad times. Some people get hurt once and give up and become a cynic. Some of us go through many bad times and decide enough is enough and become that cynic. Some of go through literal hell it seems and somehow someway find a way to keep going. Those of us that do that I tell you we deserve good things because we put through everything and somehow still don't give up. I am one of those people. I have gone through some hard times at my age. Everything from abusive type relationships, to players, to having to deal with a divorce, and gods knows what else. Yet, somehow I keep going. Although I have felt like giving up myself trust me it isn't always easy being someone like me! There are times even I wonder how I keep going when there are times that I just want to forget it all and just give up. But I guess maybe part of it is that I keep telling others ...