Wake Me Up
Wake me up, This has to be a dream, This cannot be reality, This has to be a memory, This has to be anything but what it is, This cannot be true, This cannot be real, This cannot be what is in my mind, Wake me up from this nightmare, Of the pain and suffering, The silence and the rain, Someone wake me up from this moment, Wake me up and tell me that this is not real, Wake me up and tell me that this is just a bad dream, That this isn’t the reality of my life, I need to feel the smiles again, I need to feel the sun on me again, I need to not feel suffocated in my mind, I need to feel the memory of life, The memory of love, The memory of happiness, Wake me up darling I need out of this world, I need back where you are, I need back in your arms, I need back where thoughts and love is not a struggle, I need back where things are different, Where I am accepted for who I am, Where I am accepted for being the person I am, Where my life means more than it seems to mean now, Where my dreams see...