Nothing Can Contain
There is nothing that can contain this, Nothing can contain this love of mine, Nothing that can stop it, Nothing can even come close, Nothing will hold me back, Nothing will hold me back long, Nothing can stop me, Nothing will win, When I am determined, When the emotions of this heart is strong, When the emotions of these dreams scream, Scream where everyone can hear, Scream where everyone cannot help but listen, That is when you will know, That is when you will see, That nothing can stop, Nothing can contain, Nothing can contain this emotion, This heart, This dream, This emotion, I don’t care what I have to go through, I don’t care what I have to deal with, I say bring it on, Bring it on, Because I will not let anything stop me, I will not let anything stop this emotion, I will not let anything contain me, Because I will fight, I will fight to the end, I will fight every day, Every moment, Every second, Because I believe, I believe in love, I believe in hope, I believe in joy, I belie...