Should We Listen
Should we always listen, To those stereotypes we see around us? Should we always pay attention? Can’t we see the things aren’t always black and white? Can’t we see that just because of one thing, Doesn’t mean you have another? Just because one is skinny even as a women, Doesn’t mean you are anorexic, Just because one might be overweight doesn’t mean, That’s the reason you have diabetes or asthma, Just because one is male doesn’t mean All they think is sex, Just because one is female doesn’t mean All of them like to cook, Should we listen to these stereotypes around us? Should we pay attention to those things, Instead of paying attention to the actual person inside? Don’t you realize? Don’t you understand? Can you not see how much it hurts? By ignoring the person, By keeping to the stereotype we do not see, We do not realize, We do not look enough, To see that just because someone Is a certain way, Doesn’t mean they are that stereotype, When did we stop looking? When did we stop listeni...