Yahoo Group Tutorial- Intro/How To Make A Group
Have you ever really wanted to learn how to successfully make, help co own, or moderate a group? Well now is your chance you will be getting tips, hints, and real advice from someone that has been referred as the Groups Queen. Currently I own 10 groups and moderate 4. I have owned and moderated many various groups ever since groups were clubs in 1999. If you have any specific questions at anytime on any subject or point on this please feel free to reply to the post or email me at How Do You Make A Group? Once on the group’s page you click on the upper right corner where it says: start your group today. You click on that to get started on making your own group. The very first thing you have to do is categorize your group this is to help those to find a way to your group other than advertising it to your friends and any other groups you might be in. Once you figure out exactly where you want to place your group you click on the button place my group here. You...