Walking Through The Evening
Stars twinkle at the night sky, We walk through hand in hand, I keep on gazing into your eyes, I breathe a sigh of contentment, Feeling upmost peace, Feeling the love that lingers, Feeling the joy of every moment, Rather it be the evening, Or rather it be any other time, This love has a deep meaning, This love is solid and true, This love is something that is more than superficial, It has so many aspects, We keep on walking through the evening, Watching the stars as they keep twinkling, Feeling comfortable, Knowing as we walk through the evening, That everything is at peace and quiet, That we can just stand together, Let nothing else bring forth any problems, Just let the calm carry us through, Because we have each other, We know that we can stand together, We will stand for each other, Every single moment, Every single day, Every single night, Every single evening, Until the end, Because we are meant to be, This love of yours and mine, We are meant for each other, Forever as one, You ...