
Showing posts from April 18, 2013

Haunted Dreams

You haunted my dreams for a moment, I couldn’t figure out what was going on, The dream was so vivid, It felt like it was yesterday, The emotions and hurt was mixed in strong, Part of me will always remember you well, Part of me will always have deep love for you, Even though we both have moved on in our lives, I can’t figure out why my dreams would have you, After all of this time, You haunted my dreams for a moment, After all these years and all the pain, The emotions still run strong and deep, Even when there are no answers on why.

What we allow to Run our Lives

We let items overrun our lives, We let material possessions matter more, Than the relationships we keep, We let our collections become something more, Than what we really should let it be, We want to have more and more, Let it infest in our lives, There are better things to let overrun in our world, Instead of caring about how many cars, Homes, Clothes, Jewelry, And any other material thing rule our world, We could let the world overrun with kindness, With a giving attitude, With an encouraging word, With a joyful heart, With a humble soul, We can show more gratitude, We can stop letting these things be gods in our life, Letting these things become idols, Believing that they can bring us happiness, When in the end they all fade away, But a giving attitude, An encouraging word, A humble heart, Will last for all your life, Material things come and go, They overrun and infest for a moment, But they fade and disappear, We can...

Using Our Words

Many people don’t use their words, To express the love that they have for another, Instead they use it to break down, Tear apart, Hurt someone else, Instead of using it to build up, To encourage, To give praise, We use our words for the wrong reasons, We believe that we are the ones wronged, Instead of just letting it go, We use the words to express anger, Unhappiness, Saying words in haste, Saying words we don’t mean, There is a time for everything, But not for something hurtful, We don’t always have to treat others, The way we have been treated, We can rise above and use our words, To express our thoughts and ideas, In a way that does not hurt someone, To put aside the words that could relate to someone, But to put it to actions, To things that can truly change, We use words to say hurtful things to people, Just because they don’t have the same belief we do, We call people names, Just because we hear others call them those ...