
Showing posts from June 16, 2009

This Writer's Heart

This writer’s heart has seen So much pain, So much hurt, So much rain, Through people who betrayed me, Took my trust and laughed at me, But I kept going on, This writer’s heart has seen The beauty of true happiness In terms of her friends that care For her in many ways, I have seen happiness With having a wonderful guy In my life, This writer’s heart has been Through many hardships, Had to make some hard decisions, Had to leave those that hurt me Yet still loved behind, Had to endure many things At a young age, But through the pain, Through the hardships, Through the happiness, Through the dreams made complete, And those that were broken, This writer’s heart has found The way through the deepest darkness, Through the almost impossible ways, To just hold onto the belief, That kept me strong, Through every good and bad moment, Through the times when my world Seem to be crashing down, The belief and hope in love, A love to completely reawaken my senses, My dreams, My hopes, To banish the ...