The Good Old Days
Conversations and times about those days, Filled of moments that we both remember, Times when we both did not have health issues, When we didn’t have to worry or wonder, We look back and remember with a smile, We both remember days with better health, You without the hand issues, And less GERD, And not even dealing with asthma, Me without the hand issues growing from my motor skill, The asthma that has gotten worse through the years, And the amount of medications that has grown on my list, We remember times of being able to do almost anything, The sky was the limit, So were the stars, But yet we still keep on striding through and through, Even though those seem to be the good old days, Of times of no worries or wondering of things, We know that it has grown us, We know it has brought us to where we are today, I wouldn’t change where I am now, I wouldn’t change who I am now, I wouldn’t change the ability to encourage, And I know you feel t...