You Are My Addiction
You are my addiction, You are my drug, I cannot ever get enough of you my darling, Of your sweetness and love, The way you treat me, The way I smile whenever we talk, The way I laugh, The way I feel free, The way I feel light as a feather, The way I feel the world can never harm me, The way I feel beyond protected, Because you are always near me, You are always with me, You are always by me, You are my addiction, You are my drug, You are my everything, I never can get enough of you my darling, Every single moment with you is never enough, I crave more and more of your touch, I crave more and more of your voice, I crave more and more of your being, I crave every single portion of time I can get with you, You are my addiction, You are my drug, You give me feelings I have never felt before, Thoughts and emotions of lifetimes combined, Formed together so simple and complete, So easy and simple is our connection, So in sync are ...