
Showing posts from December 19, 2004

I Never Told You (Matt)

I never told you that you’re wavy Brown hair touched And defined right above The blue eyes that I could Lose myself in for hours, Or how from the first moment We spoke I knew in my heart And the deepest corners of my mind That my life would be forever changed, I never told you that there Were numerous times That I wanted to stop Everything for a few moments To capture time spent with you, Or how I enjoyed The attention and even the jealousness If others showed interest When we were young, I never told you how your voice Could sometimes cause me speechless Or make me nervous Yet soothed my inner being Whenever I needed peace Or extra love, I never told you That although I haven’t Seen your deep eyes Or the wavy hair Or hear that voice That caused me to fall for someone For the very first time For a love so simple yet true, I never told you thank you For showing what love is And installing faith in it forever more. Dedicated to Matthew Pomazal