The Link Within Us
There is a link within us, There is something no one can see, There is something that is strong, There is something between the two of us, There is something so strong, I had thought I found eternity before, I had believed forever in true love, I had thought that once upon a time I found the dream, The dreams come true, But that part was not meant to be, But I have found now the true calling, I have found the true home, I don’t know what it is, There’s something strong going on, Every passing moment makes it stronger, Every passing moment keeps my heart beating, Every passing moment the dreams become more solid, Every passing moment everything else disappears, And all that is left is this link, This emotion running strong, This dream becoming more real, I had believed I found eternity before, But the emotions than don’t even compare, They cannot compare to this emotion with you, They cannot compare to this dream, They cannot even come close, I have always believe in true love, I have a...