
Showing posts from July 7, 2011

There Are Those Moments

There are those moments, Those moments that seems to last forever, The type that stretches across, Across through one light to the next, From one dream to another, Making everything feel surreal, As you stand, As you feel, As you close your eyes, As if to try to feel, The moment from this one, And the moment before, As everything falls into place, In that moment, That moment that seemed so fuzzy, Yet so true and clear, There are those moments, Those moments that is etched into the very depth, Very depth of your being, Where you feel them at the harder times, Where you feel them at your most difficult times, Where you feel them as if to say, Just keep on holding on, Just keep on going, This is not the end yet, There is still another moment to be had, There is still another life that needs, Needs those words, Need that moment, You feel inside of your heart, And of your soul, There are those moments, The moments where you feel, That you truly cannot go on,...