The World Out There
The world out there is not always easy, Especially growing up in today’s technology, There are bullies everywhere, People who try to hurt you, People who try to put you down, People who tease you, But hold on strong, But hold on with your inner beauty, But hold onto the knowledge, That no matter what anyone puts you through, No matter what adversity you might deal with, No matter what names you are called, That you deserve to live like everyone else, That you are a person, That you are someone who has emotions, That you are someone that shouldn’t be bullied or teased, That you are someone who can let it build you to be stronger, That you do not need to let them win, The world out there is not always fun, It can have hardships and difficulties, Times when you will be tested by others, By yourself, By people you care about, But if you put your faith in Him, And keep your eyes on His Will, And believe with every step of the way, That...