I Hold In My Heart
Another older poem I hold in my heart Memories of you, Thought of you, Feeling for you. No matter how much time, No matter what has gone on, No matter where I am, I will never forget you. Even though each year Gets a little bit better I will never forget My pledge to you. I will keep you alive In my thoughts, In my dreams, In my mind, In my soul, In my heart, In my being. You will never be forgotten By those who truly cared, By those who you shared Your emotions, By those who would have stand For you no matter what. As the anniversary Of your death draws near I will try not to think of Why you died so young, But instead of how Your life touched people’s lives, In the short time You were here. I will always be Forever changed Because you were a part Of my life. I will not cry this year For I know your spirit Is always with me And you wouldn’t want me To be sad every year The day of your death Comes by. I will instead smile And remember all The good times We went through And know that yo...