Something Sinister
This world is being led by something sinister, Something that we can see, And something we cannot see, It is being taken down by the powers of our government, It is being taken down by the bias of the media, And having us buy into things of unimportance, And things that we should ignore, And things that do not matter, We cannot always see the true sinister, That is behind all the grief of this world, And how he orchestras these events, And blinding people’s eyes, And blinding people’s hearts, And blinding people to this world alone, There is something sinister in this world, There are so many distractions in this world, There is corruption everywhere that we look, And we are told that we need to believe, Instead of standing up and fighting for what is needed, We are told to believe that a thing called choice, Is the right thing to agree to? We are told to believe that love cannot lost forever, We are told to believe that God’s design for...