Life As A Medical Anomaly Part 2
Before I received the Oregon Health Plan Standard, which has given me access to not only regular doctor visits but gave me the ability to learn more about what was going on with my health and able to take care of it better than I was able to. Even with insurance my asthma still seemed to decline getting worse in one aspect or another including violent asthma attacks, some that left me very sacred to the point of wondering if it would be the last, and others that I thought I would have to call the ambulance to take me to the ER, but thankfully God has gotten me through it all and put me in a place of constant comfort thanks to my husband. Those attacks that I have had, even if I don’t have them that often, is one of the things that has worried me about getting a license and driving a car other than having to depend on my husband to take me everywhere on his hours, not that he ever would complain because he cares about taking care of his wife in whatever way he can. ...