Sometimes The Light, Sometimes The Night

Sometimes the light brings forth beauty,

Sometimes the light heals a broken dream,

Sometimes the light forgives our yesterday,

Sometimes the light takes away our sorrows,

Sometimes the night covers the path of our hurts,

Sometimes the night takes heed our heart,

And guides our steps during the light,

Sometimes the night gives us the heart,

To keep on going when all seems wrong,

During the light,

Sometimes the light brings forth a beautiful dream,

Sometimes the light gives us a hope for our tomorrow,

Sometimes the light gives us the peace to face the night,

Sometimes the night gives us moments to reflect on our needs,

Needs that can only be filled by one,

The one that created us from the beginning,

Sometimes the light shows the beauty of creation,

Sometimes the light sheds a truth we have been searching for,

And sometimes the light sheds the truth we have been hiding,

Sometimes the night tries to conceal the truth from our mind,

Sometimes the night tries to conceal the truth from our hearts,

Sometimes the night tries to conceal the enemy we face,

Every day of our lives,

Sometimes we need to remember that the light,

And the night,

Is all part of our being,

Is all part of us,

Until we come to glory,

And completion,

And perfection once and for all,

Sometimes the light refers to our selflessness toward others,

Sometimes the night refers to our selfishness toward us,

Sometimes our life is filled with the day and the evening,

Of many different things in our lives,

Sometimes we just have to remember,

The faith in which we stand,

To keep facing the light,

To keep facing the night,

To keep facing each day,

As we grow within the faith,

Toward our God,

Until we come to Him,

In the end of our lives.


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