Up in Arms

We go up in arms about our flag,
When someone stomps on it on a video,
But do we go up in arms for God?
Do we give Him praise in all times?
Both the good and the bad,
And the trials He gives us,
Making us more like His son?
Do we share His word to others?
Giving this world a much needed hope?
Compared to all that is going on around us?
We go up in arms about those who are raped,
But do we go up in arms for our children,
And the harmful things in the world,
Like letting them have access to things,
Without talking to their parents?
Without knowing what it could do to them?
We go up in arms about the wars,
That seem to come into our hands,
That are decided for us to go to without our permission,
But when do we go up in arms for those that are in need?
Those who have no resources?
Those who have no hope?
Those that need things that we are given in abundance?
Simple things such as healthy water and food?
We go up in arms about generally modified food,
But do we notice those that don’t have anything at all?
Do we focus on things that last more than our lifetime?
Do we pray for God to open hearts?
Do we pray for God to bring His word to everyone?
We go up in arms for many things in this life,
There is nothing wrong with standing up for those,
That are oppressed or have lack,
That are in danger of having no hope,
That are in danger of harm,
But when was the last time we went up in arms,
Up in arms for the word of the Lord?
For something that will never fade,
For something that will guarantee a life worth living for,
For something we can put our faith into
When the rest of the world is difficult to bear,
And difficult to keep going through at times,
We are given a strength that we cannot describe
We go up in arms for the life of the here and now,
But when do we do things that will glorify the Lord?
When do we do the things that matter more?
And show the love of Christ to others?
It is important to be passionate for those things,
That make a difference in people’s lives,
But most of all,
We should be passionate for Christ,
And be ready to go up in arms,
To glorify the one that died for us,
And took our sins away,
And gave us the ability,
To have a relationship with our Creator,
To be forgiven for all our disobedience,
And letting our world be filled with things,
That are not the way our Creator wants,
And the way that makes our lives better,
We keep banging ourselves against the wall,
Thinking we know better what makes things right,
But we all fall short in the glory,
We all fall short in trying,
When we don’t use the Lord as our guide,
Let us turn back to the ways of our Lord,
And be up in arms for Him.


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