Every Time

Every time I think of you my heart skips a few beats,
Every time I dream of you my mind forgets
Where I really am and drifts to your arms,
Every time I think of your face and your eyes
Shining I get lost in the feeling of knowing
That you truly love me in every sense of the word,
Every time I talk to you, you make my heart melt
You make it seem as if time stands still,
That there is only you and I
And that nothing else matters
In the whole entire world,
Every time we talk I know that you accept me
For whom I am and who I want to be,
You give me so much hope,
And make me want to strive even higher
For my dreams,
You give me light through the darkness,
Sunlight when it is dark and cold,
You give me strength when I feel
That all of mine has disappeared in the darkness
That is the main part of this world,
Every night I think of you and wish you well,
I think of how I would hold you so tight
And never let go,
I think of how much love I could give you
As I looked in your eyes for the very first time,
The miles maybe many but the distance is not far
In this heart of mine,
And although every time you go to bed
It aches my heart because I love you so,
I know that you will be on again soon to brighten my day
With all the many ways that you do,
And every time I know that we talk
The feelings grow more and more
In my heart,
And I know that I truly love you,
Without any complication,
Because you are the one my heart beat for,
And the one that gives me everything I need
Every time.


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