Yahoo Group Tutorial- Intro/How To Make A Group

Have you ever really wanted to learn how to successfully make, help co own, or moderate a group? Well now is your chance you will be getting tips, hints, and real advice from someone that has been referred as the Groups Queen. Currently I own 10 groups and moderate 4. I have owned and moderated many various groups ever since groups were clubs in 1999. If you have any specific questions at anytime on any subject or point on this please feel free to reply to the post or email me at

How Do You Make A Group?

Once on the group’s page you click on the upper right corner where it says: start your group today. You click on that to get started on making your own group. The very first thing you have to do is categorize your group this is to help those to find a way to your group other than advertising it to your friends and any other groups you might be in. Once you figure out exactly where you want to place your group you click on the button place my group here.

You than need to come up with a group name just remember you might have to think of different ways to phrase it with the fact that groups stemmed from yahoo clubs and egroups so there might be one named to what you wish your name to be. If that is so think of using underscores and other characters so that you can have the name you wish. After that you enter your group email address now this can be different than the group name but you will want to keep it close to the same as it does make things a lot easier. After this you put in a description of your group be sure to really work on this if you do not have the time to fully put everything you want be sure to at least put something in and than work on this afterwards a description is one of the most important things that potential members will read to see if they believe the group is a good one for them to join.

Next you will need to decide an email address for a lot of people they only have one but a lot of others might have a few various email address they have set up for groups. You than need to pick a profile to use for the group a lot of people will have one but a lot of people that have been on yahoo for long periods of time might have more than one. After that you go through the verification which is their process to make sure it is a human hopefully and not a bot creating the group. You might have to do the verification a few times as that sometimes the words are a little interesting to do.

Next you have two choices to make either invite people to the group or customize. I always suggest to do customize because this is where you can truly customize certain parts of your group. First, you need to select if you want the group listed on the Group Directory. Second, you can answer if people can join automatically or need my approval now in the younger day of groups I would say do open unless you really want approval in days like now it is best to do approval this way you can make sure that computer bots and spammers do not join your group and spam them.
Third, you choose who can post members on the group now this will depend on the type of group you are running. Fourth, you choose rather or not messages need your approval. Most of the time I suggest doing it without because especially as your group gets going you will not want to have to approve every message even with good moderators and there isn’t much of a need if your group is set up where you approve the membership. Although you can set it up where only new members require approval but I have found you than have to change it after awhile and again that can get a hassle. Fifth, you select how messages are replied to.

You than select as your sixth step if you want to use the group features that comes with groups. Lastly you select how messages are achieved and also who can see the group features if you selected to have group features. Congratulations you have now created a group and have started your way as a group owner. Next we will cover Customizing your group.


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