I Can't Admit

This is one of the hardest poems for me to post this is dedicated to my ex husband.

I can't admit that I still love you,
I can't admit that I still miss you,
I can't admit these things out loud,
I keep them to myself,
I keep them hidden deep in my mind,
I keep them hidden deep in my soul,
I keep the pain hidden where you cannot see,
I put on a mask so no one notices,
I can't admit these things it would show me weak,
Instead of the pretend strength I put up everyday,
I can't admit these things not even to myself,
Because than I will remember those good times
Instead of the bad ones,
Than I will remember the love instead of the pain,
Than I will forget why I need to be away from you,
To forget the things I need to remember,
I can't admit that it hurts that you are not here,
That you were not here when my grandma passed,
That you were not here to hold me in your arms,
That you were not here to kiss me,
That you were not here,
I can't admit these things to anyone,
I can't admit these feelings,
Because than I would have to deal with them truly,
And I don't know if I could handle than,
And I don't know if I could handle the tears,
And I don't know if I could truly handle the full pain,
And I don't know if I could not fully just fall apart,
So I can't admit these things,
Not out loud than I might just feel the things,
I am not ready to feel.


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