Life As An Asthmatic Part 3

Most of Wednesday July 8th and part of Thursday July 9th was one of those moments that asthmatics fear. Dealing with asthma attacks left and right. Having to deal with the pain and tightness of the chest, headaches, coughing, tiredness, and drinking a lot of tea. Before going over what I promised to go over about the causes of asthma, the different types of asthma, and touching on treatments for asthma. I wanted to first go back over what I asked you to think about. Did you think about those in your life that is touched by this disease?

Keep those people in mind as you read about the causes of asthma. What triggers those of us that have it, to have asthma attacks. Asthma itself on what causes it isn't a for sure thing. There is no rhyme or reason it seems on why some people get asthma and why other's don't. There are though triggers that can cause the asthma to flare up and cause a person to have asthma related attacks. Some of these triggers as according again to webmd, you will find that I use them for a lot of different resources throughout these blogs, ( "allergies, exercise, heartburn, smoking, sinusitis and other upper respiratory infections, infections, medications, irritants, weather, and strong emotions" just to name some of the top triggers that can cause asthma attacks.

Some other important information to come away with on that article is the following: "There are many causes of asthma. Reactions to the causes of asthma are different for each person and vary from time to time. Certain causes of asthma may be harmless to some people but contribute to inflammation in others. Some people have many causes of their asthma while others have no identifiable ones. Recognizing and avoiding the specific causes of asthma, when possible, is an important way to control asthma." Again we see that although one might be able to figure out what might trigger the asthma there are going to be times that there will be no way to really see a direct reason on why one has an asthma attack. So it is important my friends that if you or someone you know and love has asthma to keep track of what can trigger it.

Sometimes this is easier said than done. For example, there are times I have had asthma attacks that it seem to just come out of no where. But it is still good if you are trying to find a way to handle your asthma, along with medication for it, to write down as a journal or some other means, everything that seems to cause it and be sure to talk about those things to a doctor. If you are asthmatic I suggest even if you don't feel that you have allergies or allergy induced asthma that it is still good to get allergy testing done, you never know when those things might trigger an asthma attack at a later date not to mention it is just good for future knowledge as well.

There are some types of asthma that relate to the triggers of asthma, but there are some types that have names that aren't included in the triggers I mentioned. The types of asthma that are typically found are ( allergy induced, exercise induced, cough variant, occupational asthma, bronchil, and nocturnal (nighttime) asthma. I will go more into detail about the actual what each type is when it comes to asthma in the next blog. Right now this is more of an overview of what types are out there.

Another brief overview is going to be on the various treatments. I will go into more detail of the variety of treatments and things you can do to help your asthma or help someone you know that has asthma. Some of the medical ways to treat asthma can include, ( "Steroids and Other Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Bronchodilators, Inhalers, Nebulizers, and Prednisone. This only covers some of the main medical ways you can help your asthma doesn't talk about some of the non medical ways that can help your asthma. Another thing from webmd from the article about asthma treatments that I want to leave you with is this, "While asthma is a common disease, it's also very serious breathing problem that demands a proper medical diagnosis and targeted asthma treatment."

This is important to note and remember that asthma is more than just a disease, it is a serious breathing problem that can cause not only those issues mentioned before on chest tightness and etc but can also cause death. In the next part of Life As An Asthmatic I will go more into detail about types of asthma and the signs of those types. A few things that I want you to consider until the next part are the following: If you have asthma do you know what your type or types are? Are there types you were not aware of before? If you know someone with asthma how does this information help you support the person you care about and love? Think about those questions and answers until next time.


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