And Then There Was You

There have been so many hardships in my life,
So many ups and downs,
Some crazy times,
Some good times,
Some broken hearts that I never thought would heal,
There was time I felt all hope gone,
That it seemed that I would barely make it through,
And then there was you,
You brought the light,
You brought the change I needed,
You brought the love everlasting into my life,
I was at the end of the line,
Thinking I couldn’t go on again,
Felt my heart was broken one too many times,
I felt so lost and confused,
And than I did something I hadn’t done in a long time,
I prayed to God,
I prayed to Him to bring me someone,
To restore the hope,
To restore the faith,
To restore the love I knew in my heart,
To restore everything that has come and gone,
And then there was you,
You changed my life the moment,
The moment we started talking,
I felt a shimmer of hope,
But I was still cautious,
Although I could feel my heart wanting to soar,
Although I could feel my heart wanting to forget it all,
I wanted to wait and try to be patient,
But patience has never been my stronger suit,
I felt the ice melting,
I felt my heart fully beating again,
Just when everything seemed at it’s lowest point,
When all hope and faith seemed gone,
You came into my life,
Bringing so many things I never thought possible,
So maybe I am crazy,
And maybe it is still early,
But I know this deep in my heart,
That I do love you,
That you are my everything,
Because in the end of the day,
There was you,
And you brought the beauty,
The life,
The joy,
The wonder,
That is ever lasting love again,
To my heart,
And I know to never have fear,
Or worry about darkness,
Because now that God brought you into my life,
I know that all the past doesn’t matter anymore,
I can let go fully,
Because there is you.


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