To The Lost
To the lost souls
Do not lose hope,
Do not fully despair,
Do not give in,
To the ones who have lost love,
Who feel down and despaired,
Do not give up,
There is still hope,
There is still strength,
There is still a way,
To the ones who want to give up,
Don’t forget that there is always
A light if you look up,
Just put some faith in Him,
Just keep praying,
Answers will come,
There is a solution,
To the ones who feel they cannot go on,
Remember that there is an answer,
You can find it in prayer,
You can find it in trusting Him,
You can know that it is only
A temporary thing,
Although there are times
These words can be hard to rely on,
There are times that nothing
Seems to bring you peace of mind,
That the challenges seem too much,
Just take the time to listen,
To breathe,
To keep on going,
So, to all those
Who have been lost,
No matter the circumstance,
Know you are not alone,
That there are others,
That there is hope,
There is a solution,
There is a strength that can be found,
As long as you believe,
Believe in Him.
Do not lose hope,
Do not fully despair,
Do not give in,
To the ones who have lost love,
Who feel down and despaired,
Do not give up,
There is still hope,
There is still strength,
There is still a way,
To the ones who want to give up,
Don’t forget that there is always
A light if you look up,
Just put some faith in Him,
Just keep praying,
Answers will come,
There is a solution,
To the ones who feel they cannot go on,
Remember that there is an answer,
You can find it in prayer,
You can find it in trusting Him,
You can know that it is only
A temporary thing,
Although there are times
These words can be hard to rely on,
There are times that nothing
Seems to bring you peace of mind,
That the challenges seem too much,
Just take the time to listen,
To breathe,
To keep on going,
So, to all those
Who have been lost,
No matter the circumstance,
Know you are not alone,
That there are others,
That there is hope,
There is a solution,
There is a strength that can be found,
As long as you believe,
Believe in Him.