The Earth Is In Distress
The earth is in distress,
There is so much going on,
The news tells a story,
But it doesn’t really get into the heart,
Of how the events are truly affecting,
Those people that are like you and me,
With the floods ruining homes,
Causing people to lose their loved ones,
And losing all that they had,
There have been earthquakes,
A loss of jobs,
And those that been dealing with
Those that had hard economic times before
Feel that they seem to get hit even more,
And start to wonder if they will now ever recover,
You only see a small picture,
Just faces on the screen,
But they are all dealing with hardship,
In one way or another,
Kids losing parents,
Parents losing kids,
People losing both,
Or people losing most of their family,
Possessions are lost,
Memories seem although strong,
Doesn’t feel the same anymore,
All there seems to be is pain,
Everywhere that you turn,
And although you and I can turn it off,
Turn off the pictures from the TV screen,
Venture onto another page on the internet,
We don’t really comprehend perhaps,
We don’t always really see,
What these people are going through,
We might even think at least it’s them
And not me,
But is that the way to think about it?
Is that the way to look at it?
Is that the way to just keep on going?
Keep going on through our day?
Although we can turn these images off,
At the end,
They don’t get to turn it off,
They live through it day by day,
And although some things get replaced,
Homes can be rebuilt,
New furniture can be had,
Jobs can eventually come back,
But the true loss,
The true feelings,
The true emotions,
Don’t ever really go away,
When you have noticed,
When you do see,
The earth going through these trouble times,
And those pictures on the screen,
Don’t just go on about your day,
As if nothing happened,
Even if you cannot help in some way,
Keep them in your thoughts and prayers,
For they are just like us,
They have people they care about,
Jobs that they might have liked or loved,
They are still people,
Who deserve empathy,
Through those troubling times.
There is so much going on,
The news tells a story,
But it doesn’t really get into the heart,
Of how the events are truly affecting,
Those people that are like you and me,
With the floods ruining homes,
Causing people to lose their loved ones,
And losing all that they had,
There have been earthquakes,
A loss of jobs,
And those that been dealing with
Those that had hard economic times before
Feel that they seem to get hit even more,
And start to wonder if they will now ever recover,
You only see a small picture,
Just faces on the screen,
But they are all dealing with hardship,
In one way or another,
Kids losing parents,
Parents losing kids,
People losing both,
Or people losing most of their family,
Possessions are lost,
Memories seem although strong,
Doesn’t feel the same anymore,
All there seems to be is pain,
Everywhere that you turn,
And although you and I can turn it off,
Turn off the pictures from the TV screen,
Venture onto another page on the internet,
We don’t really comprehend perhaps,
We don’t always really see,
What these people are going through,
We might even think at least it’s them
And not me,
But is that the way to think about it?
Is that the way to look at it?
Is that the way to just keep on going?
Keep going on through our day?
Although we can turn these images off,
At the end,
They don’t get to turn it off,
They live through it day by day,
And although some things get replaced,
Homes can be rebuilt,
New furniture can be had,
Jobs can eventually come back,
But the true loss,
The true feelings,
The true emotions,
Don’t ever really go away,
When you have noticed,
When you do see,
The earth going through these trouble times,
And those pictures on the screen,
Don’t just go on about your day,
As if nothing happened,
Even if you cannot help in some way,
Keep them in your thoughts and prayers,
For they are just like us,
They have people they care about,
Jobs that they might have liked or loved,
They are still people,
Who deserve empathy,
Through those troubling times.