This Week

This week there will be someone struggling,
To just get by in the world,
To have to bury someone they love,
To have to hold someone’s hand,
As they find out about a disease,
Or find out something wonderful,
To have to be alone because their loved one is gone,
Off to war,
Lost to death,
Lost to something else,
This week there will be someone going hungry,
Having to deal with a flood,
Or some other natural disaster,
Someone who has lost their way,
Who wants to find a way back,
But doesn’t know how,
Someone will feel pain,
And not understand or know,
How to find happiness again,
Will think about horrible things,
And not know that there is hope out there,
Someone will give up on their dreams,
Because they believe they cannot go anywhere,
But this week will also bring joy to someone,
To someone who has been praying,
And believing in Him,
To someone who sees the light at the end,
Believes in love,
Believes in dreams,
Someone will find love,
Will find their dreams,
Will find hope,
Find belief,
Find the answers they’ve been searching for,
This week could be good or bad,
Depending on how you approach things,
Approach life,
Approach to see the blessings,
Even through those moments of tough times,
So keep these words in mind,
Place them near your heart,
Believe in your salvation,
Believe in Him,
And even when you feel,
That life is just handing you lemons,
Remember that as long as you have Him,
As long as He is a part of your life,
As long as you believe,
And do His will,
That no matter what the week might bring,
No matter what you might have to go through,
There is hope,
There is salvation,
And there is a God that cares.


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