Our True Aspirations

When we go through our lives,
As we grow older,
Sometimes wiser,
Sometimes not,
We all still aspire,
We all still aspire to be this or that,
Maybe a famous athlete,
Maybe a famous singer,
Maybe a famous actor,
A writer,
Who knows,
There are always these possibilities,
Always these things that run through our minds,
Through our heads,
But we don’t always remember,
We don’t always seem to see,
What can lie beyond those things,
We forget to pause,
We forget to take the time,
To take the time to see,
Beyond our lives at this space,
Beyond our lives at this moment,
Beyond our lives here,
We forget to look beyond,
We forget to see deeper than ourselves,
We forget,
But it doesn’t always have to be that way,
We can always still aspire,
But we also have a higher calling,
We have a higher meaning,
We have a higher goal to accomplish,
We have a higher calling to see,
We must remember,
That although we might aspire many things,
There is a true aspiration that we are called to,
There is a true destiny that we are called to,
We might not always know it,
We might not always see it,
We might not always understand it,
But it is there,
Waiting for us,
All we have to do,
All we have to believe,
Is in Him,
And know that He has a plan,
He has something for us to aspire to,
And that although the other things,
Are important in their own ways,
And that we can still have those dreams,
Those moments,
Those type of aspirations,
That we have to remember,
That our true aspiration,
That true destiny,
Is our most important,
And it can guide us through,
Even through the rough times,
Even through the good times,
While we are here.


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