Why Is It So Hard

Why is it so hard?
What is so difficult?
What can truly be so hard to say I love you?
To say I am beautiful?
To put into words that you care?
To show in more than just actions?
To give something verbal?
To meet me somewhere even if it is part way?
I love you more than I could have ever thought,
Love you more complete than I could have dreamed,
But I struggle at times,
Feeling at the sidelines,
Feeling that there is something missing,
Wondering where the void suddenly came,
These emotions so strong and deep,
These emotions that I wear on my sleeve,
These emotions that cut through and through,
Leaving me wondering what to do,
Leaving me at this place,
Leaving me at this point,
Why is it so hard?
What can be so difficult?
I know patience hasn’t always been my strong point,
But I feel that I have given it my all,
And then some,
And here I stand,
Here I sit,
Here I wait listening,
Nothing more than a few words,
Just a few moments,
Just that feeling,
At a total loss of words,
At a total loss of being,
At a total loss overall,
Why is it so hard?
What more do I need to do?
What more do I have to show?
What more actions do I need to take?
What more?
This is what I ask,
This is what I want to know,
I love you with every breathe,
Every moment,
Every piece of my heart,
But I just need something,
Something a bit more,
A little more often,
I don’t want to feel alone,
In this space,
In this relationship,
In us,
Why is it so hard?
Why is it so difficult?
You never know what will happen next,
You never know what could be,
Just show what’s in your heart,
That’s all I ask,
Show me you love me,
In words,
In actions,
In everything,
Give me that peace I crave.


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