All I Want

All I want is I love you,
All I want is to know,
To feel,
To believe,
That this love is real,
To feel it to the very depth,
The very depth of my heart,
The very depth of my soul,
To never feel alone,
To never feel like this,
By myself in a relationship,
A relationship that should have two,
Two hearts that share,
Two hearts that believe,
Two hearts that both fight,
Fight for each other,
Hold each other,
Hold within truly,
Hold within every single breathe,
To the very end,
All I want is to be held,
To feel safe in your arms,
To feel safe from everything else,
To feel safe from the world,
To be in that solstice,
That ever lasting peace,
That ever longing beauty,
The ever growing love,
All I want is a look into my eyes,
A look that tells me more than words,
Than words could ever touch,
Than words could ever say,
Than words could put into being,
How much you love me,
How much you need me,
How much I complete you,
The way you can complete me,
All I want is this,
This one request,
This one hope fulfilled,
This one dream realized,
All I want is for you to say,
I am yours,
And yours alone,
That you want me,
That you want me to be your wife,
To be your forever,
Through the rest of this life,
It doesn’t have to be perfect,
It doesn’t need a huge material sentiment,
All I need is the words,
The emotions,
The dreams,
The beauty,
That is within your heart,
Within your soul,
Within your life,
Just to give them to me,
Give it to me true,
So that eternity,
That forever,
Can start finally.


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