Three Is A Magical Number
Three is a magical number,
When one looks at the right foundation,
Of what a true marriage,
And relationship can be,
When in faith,
And in trust,
And in believing in Him,
And putting our lives,
Our marriage,
In the one that brought it together,
From the first day,
From that first moment,
In that garden we have lost,
When we base our love,
Our hopes,
Our dreams,
In our happiness,
If we give it all,
Give it to Him,
He will give us delights,
Delights with happiness,
Happiness with beauty,
Beauty with grace,
Grace with love,
Love with dreams comes true,
Three is a magical number,
When you look at what it symbolizes,
And how it truly can be just one,
One full relationship,
A mystery,
A beauty,
A faith with no bounds,
Even though it is three distinct,
But that can be combined,
Into one,
Where husband and wife,
Become truly one flesh,
And seek Him,
To become one with Him,
And from that the three,
Become one,
When one reaches out,
And trusts Him,
And find even true happiness,
When you have least expected it,
Challenges that grow you,
Hardships less hard with the other,
Joy doubled,
Love multiplied,
Because the right foundation,
The right number,
Is put together,
From the beginning,
And put through every day,
With actions,
And faith,
Until it becomes true,
Even more through love,
The oneness that comes,
From the magical right three,
That starts a beautiful life,
Of happiness,
And love.