Love Is More Than
Love is more than just kissing each other, Than holding each other in one’s arms, Than just being with a person, It’s about giving everything you have, And letting God be in the center of it, About being friends and lovers, About being God centered and God loving, About never putting down each other around one’s friends, About listening to the other when they speak, About forgiving even through difficulties, It’s about understanding the good and the bad, To keep on going through the hurtful and the hard, About not letting things of this world tear you apart, Love is more than just hooking up, Or having sex, Or how many people you can be with, Or what that person can do for you, It is about how you feel without them, It knows that your life isn’t the same, That they are a part of your being and your heart, That they are where the inner part of you, Feels the most home, Love is more than just the small things, It is every single big thing...