Christmas Is More Than

Christmas is more than what presents you get,
Rather or not your loved ones got something expensive,
Deciding to hate someone due to them not buying something,
Such as a particular smartphone or a brand new car,
It’s a lot more than any material thing that you can buy,
Too much of the time now people focus,
On how much they can buy and spend,
On how many high price items they can get,
Going into debt or not caring,
Kids not being humble or being thankful,
Rather spewing hurtful words to their parents just for not getting something,
That they really wanted,
But what they do not understand is that Christmas is more than that,
Christmas is more than just the songs that we hear,
There are special meanings to them all,
That it is more than the nativity scenes,
Or the words used to wish someone a great Christmas,
It’s more than just one simple picture of a time,
From a long time ago,
It is about a promise that God fulfilled,
Having one person fulfill more things and items,
Than we could even imagine,
It is about our redemption from this hurtful world,
To give us the grace we desperately needed,
To give us the peace we had been searching for,
To give us a way to find in this hard and painful world,
We will still go through trials and tribulations,
But instead of making Christmas all about the material affair,
That it can become due to us forgetting the importance,
The importance of family,
The importance of bringing people together,
The importance to encourage and brighten up those that are lost,
To be the light in the darkness,
To give someone a picture of our God,
And that there is someone who does truly care,
And that it doesn’t matter who you are,
As long as you accept Him,
Know about the truth of the Christmas story,
And the truth of why He came to this world,
The truth of how He came so we could live,
Truly and fully live with Him someday,
To give healing and peace,
Joy and gladness to those that have lost it,
Through this hurtful painful world,
Christmas is more than so many things,
More than just a Christmas tree,
And bright decorations,
More than snow and the cold,
It is the time to praise Him,
It is the time to glorify His precious name,
Above all others,
As He came down to bring us to Him,
To conquer the most hurtful thing in our lives,
To break sins hold on us,
To break the evil in this world,
And give us the promise that someday,
There truly will be peace on earth,
Because He will take away all the sadness,
And all the pain,
And all the tears,
And everything in between,
Christmas is more than all the things,
We could ever sign meaning to,
More than those things that does not last forever,
And we can let it change our lives truly,
If we open our heart to Him.


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