Bullying and Body Image
This has been on my mind for awhile. I like to take a moment to talk
about bullying and body image and how both are so connected in our
lives. I grew up being bullied due to my body image, not knowing at that
time that I had poly static ovary syndrome (pcos), although when I was
before I got developing very skinny than suddenly I put on weight and
was teased about it. Especially in the U.S. We are so beyond needing to
bring a change to how we treat not only women especially on what they
look like physically but men as well. Women and men alike shouldn't be
compared to be one specific thing, and unless you need to lose weight
for health reasons please love yourself for who you are. So many
struggle with real life health issues such as pcos, diabetes,
hypothyroidism, medications that cause weight gain, and so many other
things that hearing someone that looks great day oh I'm so fat, when
they are struggling with one of these real life health issues and the
emotional stuff that comes with it.
you have health and/or disabilities know you are not alone there is a
wonderful amazing group I created feel free to join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DisabilityandHealthSupport/
need to stop and change especially in the U.S. We are beyond lucky in
this country where so many would call us blessed just to even "whine"
about our weight when other countries have people that would love to
have our problem. Stop thinking what others think about you life is
short. Who cares about what celebrities look like. Instead love the body
you have, make the most of it, teach those around you to not bully or
put down themselves or others, and make a stand, and stop giving into
the hype that we should fit into some stereotype. Instead, learn about
those with disabilities and/or health issues such as pcos that can
affect weight or even non weight issues and just help each other.
I, Mandy Buffington, am a chronic health daily survivor currently I deal with asthma, allergies, carpel tunnel, tenditis, tennis elbow, chronic migraines, pcos, and fibromyalgia. I will no longer be silenced or quiet. I am a chronic health advocate. If you want to talk about chronic health please feel free to comment. Please feel free to share this post but no negative comments will be allowed thank you.
I, Mandy Buffington, am a chronic health daily survivor currently I deal with asthma, allergies, carpel tunnel, tenditis, tennis elbow, chronic migraines, pcos, and fibromyalgia. I will no longer be silenced or quiet. I am a chronic health advocate. If you want to talk about chronic health please feel free to comment. Please feel free to share this post but no negative comments will be allowed thank you.