It's A Dark Starry Night

It’s a dark starry night,
And here I sit without you,
I can imagine every moment with you,
I wish we were together,
Instead of you being so far away from me,
I can feel the desire burn inside my soul,
I can feel the passion build inside my heart,
I cannot wait until I can feel your passionate kisses,
As you hold me close,
And make the world melt away,
It’s a dark starry night,
And here I daydream about you,
Wishing you were here giving me those exciting kisses,
The ones I picture in my mind,
The ones I feel long after you have gone,
I am not quite sure what you have done to me,
Every moment now is filled with imagining you,
Enticing me with those caresses that cause shivers down my spine,
It’s a dark starry night,
And I am wishing you were here,
To hold me close,
To let our energy build,
As the energy builds,
I become breathless again,
And we melt into one,
As lovers and as friends,
It’s a dark starry night,
And my heart is beating for you,
My heart is yearning for you to be with me,
My heart is yearning for your touch,
The one that always leads to us never stopping,
That feeling that goes deep inside,
Our lovemaking is always amazing,
It has that wow moment,
The one that has been lacking in my life,
Lacking for so long,
It’s a dark starry night,
And I am wishing you were here,
Here with me,
Holding me tight,
Kissing me all over,
Touching every curve of my body,
Giving me that feeling,
The feeling of deep love,
A bond so tight and strong,
Something I haven’t felt,
Felt in so long,
Something even stronger,
Than I have felt before,
It’s a dark starry night,
And I am here alone,
Wishing you were here,
Wishing you were holding me,
Holding me tight.


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