Every Single Moment

Every single moment my darling,
Every single day,
The absence of you in my life makes it hard,
But I know someday soon we will be seeing each other,
And I will stare into your beautiful eyes,
And all the waiting will be worth it,
I wouldn’t care if you gave me anything that day,
A rose would be nice but not needed,
All I would need is you,
All I would need is you giving me your love,
All I would need is to be tasting you,
All I would need is to be holding you,
All I would need is to be touching you,
All I would need is to be caressing you,
Every single moment my darling,
Every single day,
This absence I feel because you are not here,
But I know that you will be in my life for real soon,
Until than we will make memories with our conversations,
With every single day talking to each other,
The distance is hard,
But this feels so right,
I cannot explain it even if I tried,
I cannot explain it,
But I know what I feel,
I feel the depths of my soul opening up,
I feel the depths of my heart opening up,
No one has had this affect quite like this,
I have been in love,
I have felt it before,
But this is something even stronger,
This is something even more breath taking,
I don’t care about anything else,
All that matters is you and me,
Every single moment my darling,
Every single day,
This absence I feel because you are not here,
But in my heart,
But in my soul,
I feel your presence,
Every waking moment,
Every sleeping moment,
You are there in my mind,
You are there in my heart,
You are apart of me my love,
You are my everything,
You are every breath I breathe,
You are every beat of my heart,
You are every song I sing in my soul,
You are everything my love,
Every single moment my darling,
Every single day,
I am reminded of this,
I am reminded of your love,
I am reminded of this feeling,
I am reminded that although alone at the moment,
I am never truly alone,
Because you are in my heart,
You are in my soul,
And someday soon we will be together,
And will be together forever.


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