I Want To Feel It Again

I want to feel it again,
The power of our kiss,
The way it feels like fireworks,
The expanding of energy,
As it goes through our bodies together,
I want to feel it again,
The power of your arms around mine,
The way I melt,
The way I sigh,
The way everything just seems perfect,
Everything seems just right,
I want to feel it again,
The electricity that flows through me,
Whenever you massage my back,
And massage my shoulders,
As we lay next to each other,
I want to feel it again,
Your fingers around mine,
As you hold my hand close to you,
These emotions are so true,
These emotions of our love,
It is a power onto it’s own,
It’s an energy that cannot be denied,
That only keeps expanding through time,
I want to feel it again,
The breathlessness I feel whenever you smile,
The way my heart feels happy and light,
The way my life feels so very right,
There is no denying it,
There is no going around it,
This explosion of love,
Cannot be contained,
It keeps on expanding,
It keeps on going,
More and more every day,
I want to feel it again,
The way I light up,
The way I smile whenever you are near,
The way I dream lovely dreams,
Now that we are together,
It keeps growing every day,
And I know that every single day,
Every single moment,
I just want to feel it again,
The emotions,
The beauty,
The wonderfulness,
That is our love.


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