A Place Called Home

Cars zip quickly on the road outside,
As the quiet breeze blow through the trees,
Picking up the scent of the rain from the night before,
Plant leaves reach toward the sun,
As the spring blooms,
Reach out to the ground,
There is a small blue fish dancing in his bowl,
Like a dolphin at play in the sea,
He dances merrily like kittens playing with grass,
The cozy soft pillow couches incite you,
As they tell you stories of moments spent on them,
Telling you conversations and memories
Of the people who live here,
Cushy carpets will sooth you’re tired feet
As you walk around this room,
And the vanilla scented candles
Will try to overpower the senses,
Instead of the still dry air,
Outside the window you see birds
Walk quietly on the bark dust,
And although you will hear feet above you,
And water running,
You are taken back
By the flowers and butterflies on the wall
And the ticks from the clock next to you,
And relaxed by the tranquil feeling,
Of a place called home.


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