At Heaven's Gate

Many things pass away,
Many things come and go,
Many things have a place,
Many things have a moment of space,
But what we make of this life,
But what we make of these dreams,
But what we make of the moments we have,
That’s the most important thing,
Although when things pass away,
When things go to the next portion,
Just know that although things die,
That although things pass away,
That there is life beyond what we know,
That when we accepted Jesus as our Savior,
When we put our faith,
Our belief,
Our hopes,
Our life in His hands,
Than we have knowledge,
Than we know,
That although our lives here are short,
That although our lives here have pain,
That although our lives here have strife,
That there is a beautiful eternal life,
With our God,
With others that we care about,
With others that we will come to know,
In heaven,
So although things pass away,
Although our time here is short,
We have knowledge,
We have something to look forward to,
A time where pain,
Where strife,
Where hurt,
All fade away,
When we are with Him,
At Heaven’s Gate.


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