My Parents

I never once had two full parents in my life,
That was never to be my fate in this world,
I never got to know a father’s love for a child,
But I was gratefully given a mom,
Who did all in her power,
All in her being,
To know love,
Even if it was just her,
I never once got to feel,
What others might have,
In my place,
But I never felt hurt,
I never felt uncared for,
I never felt that there was anything wrong,
Because my mom was there every step,
Every step of the way,
She was there for every good time,
Every bad time,
And every time in between,
She was always supportive,
Of everything I wanted to do,
Believed in me,
Hoped for me,
Loved me through and through,
And I always knew love,
Love beyond any measure,
I might have not had some things,
We might have had to go without,
But I didn’t care,
It never really mattered,
I felt stronger,
By having her in my life,
I never felt less at least by her,
To only have one parent in my life,
Others around me tried,
Time and time again,
To make it seem that this was a bad fate,
To just have the one,
But what they never knew,
What they could never understand,
That even if it isn’t planned,
Even if it isn’t the greatest,
At least having the one,
The one that loves you through everything,
Through the good,
Through the bad,
Through everything in between,
That even with just one parent,
With just having her,
That I was lucky,
I was blessed,
Because I am loved,
Loved every single day,
By a person who is a best friend,
A mom,
A supporter,
Someone I can trust,
And maybe not always understand,
But I know,
That she is always there,
Until the very end.


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