What I Want This Year

This is what I want this year,
This is what I want to receive,
It is something so simple,
It is something so easy,
I don’t really need any presents,
I don’t really need things under the tree,
I just want your love,
Your heart,
Everything that lies within,
Every moment,
Every part of your being,
I just want you,
Gifts and presents are nice,
But this is what would matter than those things,
I want the words,
I want the feeling,
I want to know,
I want to believe,
I want to feel it in my bones,
Ever compressing,
Ever consuming,
No boundaries,
No barriers,
No more ifs,
No more buts,
No more excuses,
This is what I want this year,
This is the only thing I really want to receive,
This is the only gift I really need,
This is the only present I need,
I don’t need fancy things,
Or things under a tree,
I don’t need material things,
As long as there is you and me,
As long as there is the two of us,
As long as I know this,
I just want what you are,
I just want the love that is within,
To no longer hide within,
To no longer be behind,
To let it go,
To let it be,
To not use time as an excuse,
To not use anything,
Just pour it out,
Let it ride on your sleeve,
Let it ride between us both,
Let it just be,
This is what I want this year,
This love,
That feeling,
That emotion,
That promise,
Forever more,
So give me this one thing,
This one thing my dear,
Give me what I truly want this year,
Something that I need,
I just want your love,
The words,
The actions,
Every single part,
Without the reservations.


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