Yahoo Group Tutorial Part 2- Customizing Your Group

Customizing Your Group

Before you invite and advertise your group you will want to customize your group to make your group seem inviting and something people will want to join. First you will need to go to Management. It will be listed on the left side just scroll down as you see messages and other links to things that will be covered later on in the tutorial.

Once you have clicked on Management the first part you want to go to, is description and appearance, go to the left side on the top it will list Description and Appearance, Web Tools, Messages, and Membership. First we are going to click on the Description and Appearance. Once you have clicked on this you will notice that you can edit the description itself, the web address which is how people can find your group other than searching for it, category, colors, and photo. Most of the time you will want to leave the web address alone unless you want to see if you can get rid of underscores or changing the name of the group a little. Unless you are doing those two things at any time you will not touch this portion of these features.

Description you will probably edit a lot through out the lifetime of your group. You will want to click on it now and change the Title portion so that it matches near the name of the group with actual spaces. You might also want to edit your description at this time as well if you did not spend much time on it when creating the group. You can also put a related group link as well, but that is only if you end up having a website for the group or a website that will have things of the group in one way or another. You can also change the group’s language and being listed in the directory as well just by clicking on edit near where it says description.

Remember after changing something anywhere when it says something on save changes to do that as you will not want to lose any work you have done. Once you are done it will automatically bring you back to the main part of description and appearance. If at any time you want to move your group category you will want to click edit near that and change it, but that is only if you need to most of the time you will not need to worry about this function. Next you will want to click edit where it says custom if you wish to change the colors, now if you do not like any of the options it gives you click on the radio button near where it says custom, which is at the bottom, and than click edit next to it and start playing around with colors. Every time do the save changes and than see if you like it if not just take the steps to go back or hit the back button to try again until you get the colors you want for the group.

Again after you are done it will take you back to the description and appearance page. Once there you can put a photo for the group by clicking on the edit button, you than select browse and pick a picture off your computer to use and than click add now. With that you will have this portion of your group customized to how you want it. Once that is down you can scroll up and click on the back to management to go back to the main management page.

If at anytime you want to change how membership is done on your group you will want to click on membership on the management page. By clicking on edit at the top you can change membership type, email address display settings, and welcome message. I find that if you find some time or try later if you do not have anything thought up that personalizing the welcome message they get for joining the group when they get the notice that they now have membership gives it an extra touch. Once done with any settings here be sure to click on the back to management do not worry about anything else in this section.

Next you can go to the web tools this is where you can edit who can see various things you had set up for the group. Just click on edit and change anything you wish if you need to. Next after that click on messages this is where you can change the email address, subject tag, and posting and archives if you need to change any settings on that this is where to go. One of the most important features here is to be able to change how people are moderated, some people like having it so they moderate newer members when they post, we will cover more on how to remove that as they have been members longer in the group. Now you are done with management for now although you will probably be returning many times in the future especially if you decide to change pictures, description, and photos many times. Next we will explore some important features such as inviting, databases, and files.


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