Saving Grace
Words cannot compare,
Words cannot express,
Words cannot truly put a meaning,
Behind the emotions,
Behind the feeling,
Behind the beautiful emotions,
That reaches on to,
Reach to the very depth of your soul,
And does not let go,
That holds onto you,
When everything else seems to disappear,
That gives you strength,
When all else seems to be gone,
That gives your heart a new change,
Changing your life,
To even better,
More beautiful things,
Saving grace,
Oh how sweet the words,
That drip upon the pages,
Of the words,
That we can hold onto,
The words that can get us through,
Every part of our lives,
But we have to open our heart,
Let the words come in,
Let them make a change,
We will never regret,
That we will never be grateful for,
Saving grace,
Those wonderful words,
Those sweet words,
That whisper in our ears,
As we hold out our hands,
Let Him speak,
To our hearts.