Veteran's Sacrifice

Dedicated Lovingly to Troy's and My Grandfather's who were Veteran's.

A veteran’s sacrifice,

Is that they might not see their family,

That they care about,

That they love,

That they miss with every breathe,

And beat of their heart,

All for our freedom,

All for their freedom,

All for the country,

That has depended on them,

They rise up from many walks,

Of life,

They are different people,

From different backgrounds,

And different thoughts,

But they all serve for the same reason,

And this veteran’s sacrifice,

Is for our freedom,

Freedom from hundreds of years ago,

When people took a stand,

On what they believed in,

They took arms,

Those husbands,





And now we see,






Today we want to honor you,

Thank you,

Appreciate you,

Give you the gratitude you lovingly deserve,

Because this moment,

This day,

And in all other days,

We want to tell you thank you,

For your work

Your hardships you endure,

The times you miss your family,

The times you are miles away from home,

And you happily sacrifice,

Because you believe in something greater,

Than just yourselves,

And you fight for our freedom,

And wouldn’t have it any other way,

So thank you Veterans,

For your sacrifices every day.


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