True Success

An encouraging word for a friend,
Some special words for someone you might not know,
Giving someone hope after a hurtful experience,
Helping someone handle their fears,
Giving to people who need it more,
Loving those you care about,
Every single day,
Making that decision to love,
Even when life is throwing you lemons,
Giving yourself to others,
And putting others before you,
That is true success,
Giving a blessing to someone,
Bringing a smile to someone’s face,
Giving a well needed hug,
Finding a way to forgive someone,
Even when every other part of you doesn’t want to,
Coming to peace with your life,
Everything from your past,
To your present,
To what might be,
Letting go those things you cannot control,
Giving your heart and soul to the Lord,
Not letting those that hurt you,
Cause your emotions to soar,
When you decide to keep going,
Despite what others tell you,
That is true success,
The amount of money you make,
The amount of items you might have,
The looks you are given,
And the looks that you give yourself,
The clothing you wear,
The cars you drive,
The house you live in,
Don’t truly tell of success,
Any of those things can change,
Any of those things can fade away,
Tomorrow can bring a change,
Tomorrow is not promised to us
So, instead give what you can now,
In this moment of time,
Believe in dreams,
Believe in love,
Believe in joy,
Believe in happiness,
And give every part you can to others,
And help those that need it every day,
And you will find true success,
A success that cannot be measured,
Or given a date,
It is something that you can see instead,
Within someone’s eyes,
When you give a blessing,
And be an encouragement,
You will have true success,
The type that cannot ever fade,
And can be renewed every day,
No matter what life might throw your way.


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