You Make My Heart Full

You make my heart full,
Erasing all the pain and hurt,
Leaving only beauty and dreams,
Sometimes I wonder if I am dreaming,
If this moment and feeling,
This emotion is even real,
But then I look into your face,
And realize I am the luckiest girl in the world,
To have found someone so amazing,
So unexpected,
So wonderful,
Bringing me back so much inspiration once again,
Bringing me so much hope again,
Bringing me back to better days again,
Just talking to you and hearing your voice,
Brings me to my knees,
Makes my heart beat faster,
Makes my dreams seem brighter,
I have waited so long for you my darling,
And now I never want to let you go,
I want to spend every single moment,
Every single day that I can with you,
You make my heart full,
You have given me more love,
More love than I could have ever asked for,
More love than I could have ever dreamed,
More love than I could have wished for,
You my darling have given me so much,
And you have brightened my world completely,
I see a whole new world,
I see a whole new set of colors,
I see a whole new set of beauty,
A new set of dreams to believe in,
You have given me the world my darling,
By just being whom you are,
You have been my true blessing,
Someone I have been wishing for,
For longer than I could have put dreams for,
For longer than I could have given hope for,
You make my heart full,
You have given me something I treasure,
To the depths of my heart,
To the depths of my soul,
To the depths of my being,
You make my heart full my darling,
So always know my darling,
Even when I just smile at you,
When I just look into your eyes,
I am seeing so many wonderful things,
So much joy through your eyes,
As your love radiates within me,
Covering me completely,
Making my heart full.


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